Farmland Acquisitions

Analysis and advice for landowners.

We Know the Farm Land Market

The Loranda Group works tirelessly to meet your specific land acquisition goals. We will evaluate a series of properties and help you select the one that best meets your farm land investment objectives. Loranda offers:

  • Farm and recreational land analysis, valuation, and purchase recommendations.
  • Advice on how different properties might help you achieve your buying goals.
  • An unequaled knowledge of what motivates both land buyers and land sellers.
  • Investment analysis and comparable sale data to support any proposed purchase.
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Experience Matching Buyers with Properties

The Loranda Group has been involved in the sale or purchase of more than 500,000 acres or land and know the market well. To someone looking to buy land we can provide:

  • Information about properties for sale.
  • A thorough analysis of any potential purchase.
  • A comprehensive database of comparable sales to support the offering price.

Our expertise will simplify the acquisition process and help minimize any stress. In addition, our clients recognize and appreciate the integrity and professionalism Loranda exhibits throughout the transaction.

To learn more about land acquisitions, please click on the link below:

Looking to Buy a Farm?

We're in business to serve you. Before you start buying land, whether farm, transitional, or recreational, you should consider which features are most important to you, and then set goals and plans for the property you intend to purchase.

Need to Sell a Farm?

The future sale of your farm land, whether acquired by a purchase or an inheritance, is in good hands with The Loranda Group. We are here to work with and for you.

Contact The Loranda Group with your questions.